Quantum Computing - Technical Books

  1. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang

  2. Introduction to Quantum Computing by Erik Welsh

  3. Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction by Scientific American

  4. Quantum Computing: Where Do We Stand? edited by Hiroshi Imai and Masahito Hayashi

  5. Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists by Yoshua Yoshioka

  6. Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach by Jack D. Hidary

  7. Quantum Computing: Where Do We Stand? edited by Hiroshi Imai and Masahito Hayashi

  8. Quantum Computing: A Problem-Solving Approach by Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos

  9. Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists by Yoshua Yoshioka

  10. Quantum Computing: Where Do We Stand? edited by Hiroshi Imai and Masahito Hayashi

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