Superconductivity: What is it?

Superconductivity is a remarkable phenomenon where certain materials, when cooled below a critical temperature, exhibit zero electrical resistance and expel magnetic fields from their interiors, a phenomenon known as the Meissner effect. This discovery was made by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911 when he observed that mercury's electrical resistance vanished at temperatures close to absolute zero. This critical temperature, below which a material becomes superconducting, was initially found to be extremely low, often below 20 Kelvin, making early superconducting materials impractical for everyday applications due to the need for extreme cooling.

The mechanisms behind superconductivity are fascinating and complex. The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory, developed in 1957, provides an explanation for conventional superconductivity. According to this theory, electrons, which normally repel each other due to their negative charge, can pair up in what are known as Cooper pairs. These pairs form due to the interaction with the lattice vibrations, or phonons, within the material. This pairing allows electrons to move through the material without scattering off impurities or phonons, leading to zero resistance. However, this theory primarily explains low-temperature superconductivity.

The field took a leap forward with the discovery of high-temperature superconductors in the 1980s, particularly with the work of Bednorz and Müller on cuprates, which could superconduct at temperatures above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77K). These materials challenge the BCS theory, suggesting that more complex mechanisms might be at play, possibly involving spin fluctuations or other exotic quantum phenomena. Despite decades of research, a complete understanding of high-temperature superconductivity remains elusive, making it one of the most intriguing areas in condensed matter physics.

Superconductivity has found numerous applications due to its unique properties. In medicine, superconducting magnets are crucial in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines, where they produce the strong magnetic fields necessary for imaging. In transportation, the technology is used in MAGLEV trains, where superconducting magnets levitate and propel the train, offering frictionless, high-speed travel. Quantum computing also leverages superconducting materials to create qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information processing, due to their ability to maintain quantum states longer than other materials.

Despite these advancements, the quest for room-temperature superconductivity continues. Achieving superconductivity at room temperature would revolutionize energy transmission, potentially allowing for lossless power grids, and could dramatically enhance computing and electronic devices. Recent claims of room-temperature superconductivity, like those involving hydrogen-rich compounds under high pressure, have stirred excitement but also require further validation for their practical application.

Let us now summarize the key aspects of superconductivity for easy reference:

Superconductivity is a quantum mechanical phenomenon observed in certain materials where electrical resistance drops to zero and magnetic flux fields are expelled (the Meissner effect). Here's a concise exploration:

Discovery and Basics:

  • Discovery: Superconductivity was first discovered by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911 when he observed that the resistivity of mercury vanished at temperatures close to absolute zero.

  • Critical Temperature (Tc): The temperature below which a material becomes superconducting is known as its critical temperature. Initially, this was extremely low, typically below 20 Kelvin.


  • BCS Theory: Named after John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer, this theory explains conventional superconductivity in terms of electron pairing. These Cooper pairs form due to lattice vibrations (phonons), allowing electrons to move through the material without resistance.

  • High-Temperature Superconductivity: Discovered in the 1980s, materials like cuprates can superconduct at temperatures above 77K, the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. The mechanism here isn't fully understood but involves more complex interactions, possibly involving spin fluctuations or other exotic mechanisms.


  • MRI Machines: Use superconducting magnets for their strong magnetic fields.

  • MAGLEV Trains: Employ superconducting magnets for levitation and propulsion.

  • Quantum Computing: Superconducting qubits are a leading technology for quantum information processing.

Challenges and Future:

  • Room Temperature Superconductivity: Achieving superconductivity at room temperature remains a holy grail. Recent claims of room-temperature superconductors under high pressure (like the 2020 claim involving hydrogen sulfide compounds) are under scrutiny for reproducibility.

  • Material Science: Developing materials with higher Tc and understanding the underlying physics could revolutionize energy transmission, electronics, and computing.


  • Onnes, H. K. (1911). "Further experiments with liquid helium. C. On the change of electric resistance of pure metals at very low temperatures, etc. IV. The resistance of pure mercury at helium temperatures." Commun. Phys. Lab. Univ. Leiden, 120b, 1-17.

  • Bardeen, J., Cooper, L. N., & Schrieffer, J. R. (1957). "Theory of Superconductivity." Phys. Rev., 108(5), 1175-1204.

  • Bednorz, J. G., & Müller, K. A. (1986). "Possible high Tc superconductivity in the Ba-La-Cu-O system." Z. Phys. B Condens. Matter, 64(2), 189-193.